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Iowa troops during Price's 1864 Missouri Invasion

I'm looking for new material on the participation of Iowa regiments during Sterling Price's 1864 Missouri Invasion. I've read the standard regimental histories.

Newspaper accounts would be welcome as would also unpublished diaries, memoirs and letters.

Bryce A. Suderow

Re: Iowa troops during Price's 1864 Missouri Invasion

Have you read all of the letters/narratives in the Cyrus Peterson Pilot Knob collection at the Missouri Historical Society in St. Louis? Just off the top of my head I know there is a narrative from the 14th Iowa regimental adjutant Hogo Hoffbauer, and a very long narrative by the commander, William Campbell. I used the Peterson collection extensively when researching my book "The Battle of Pilot Knob Staff Ride and Battlefield Tour Guide".