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Camp Pope Bookshop

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Camp Pope Bookshop
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Seeking photos of 37th Illinois

I am working on a new book about the 37th Illinois Infantry, specifically the letters of Captain William Black. I am looking for group photographs of soldiers identified as being in the 37th to use as part of a cover illustration. I would appreciate any information on where I might be able to find such photographs.
Clark Kenyon
Press of the Camp Pope Bookshop

Re: Seeking photos of 37th Illinois

Any luck with finding photos? How is this book coming along? Also are you compiling a book on the battle of Athens?

Re: Re: Seeking photos of 37th Illinois

Yes, I've got all the photos. I didn't quite get what I wanted, but I got what I need. I'm finishing up editing the book (it's quite long). It will be out this summer.
The author of the Athens book is still at work revising it. Don't know what the schedule will be with that.
I'm also planning to publish a book of letters from a soldier in the 23rd Iowa Infantry.
And I'm coming out (today actually) with a new paperback edition of my book CAMP AND PRISON JOURNAL by Griffin Frost. Check the website for ordering information.