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5th Iowa Cavalry in Middle Tennessee


I am seeking accounts of the 5th Iowa Cavalry - letters, diaries, period newspapers, etc. - from their time ij Middle Tennessee in 1862. They operated between Ft. Henry and Clarksville.

Any help is appreciated. Thanks in advance.

Greg Biggs
Clarksville, TN

Re: 5th Iowa Cavalry in Middle Tennessee

Mr. Biggs,
You may have already checked these, but the memoirs of Sgt. Josiah Conzett of the 5th Iowa Cav are available on the internet and also at the State Historical Society of Iowa in Iowa City. Additionally, transcripts of Corp. George Healey's war-time letters (Co. E, 5th Iowa Cav) are available at the latter place as well. I would also recommed, if you have the opportunity, that you make the drive out to the State Historical Society Library of Iowa at Des Moines. They have a great deal of information from the 5th Iowa Cav in their holdings. I found them to be very helpful and friendly. Hope this helps. God Bless.