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Forthcoming 22nd Iowa book

Jeffry Burden, who wrote the introduction to our reprint of Jones's REMINISCENCES OF THE 22ND IOWA has been preparing Samuel Pryce's VANISHING FOOTPRINTS for publication. Pryce was the regimental adjutant and always intended to write the official history of the 22nd Iowa. Unfortunately, he never saw his massive 800-page manuscript make it into print. It has lain in the archives of the State Historical Society of Iowa since the early years of the previous century. Jeff has culled all the pertinent war history out of Pryce's work, and PCPB will publish it within the next year.

We'd like to solicit any photographs of soldiers of the 22nd that may be in private collections for inclusion in this book. If you have ID'ed cdvs of these men and would be willing to allow us to publish them, or if you can direct us to someone who would be willing to do so, it would be greatly appreciated. E-mail me at Thanks

Clark Kenyon