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Camp Pope Bookshop

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Camp Pope Bookshop
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I got a question from a potential customer the other day that I couldn't answer. He was considering buying a copy of the Treasures from the Archives CD vol. 3 "Greyhounds and Hawkeyes" and wanted to know if it would run on Windows XP. I don't have Windows XP and the publisher of the CD, who uses Macs, sure doesn't. I am assuming it would run on XP. It runs on everything else, including Windows ME. The only executable on the disk is a reader version of FileMaker Pro to display the index to the Rosters (among other things). The rest of the disk consists of Adobe .pdf files, which you need Acrobat Reader (which is available free from Adobe) to view. Why wouldn't it work on XP? Well, since I can't be 100% sure without testing it on an XP system, I have to tell the customer that I just don't know. Are any of you who have bought vol. 3 of the Iowa history CDs running it successfully on XP?
