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Camp Pope Bookshop
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For Clark: Banasik's Ark books

Hi Clark,

You publish some of the books that Banasik has edited and I was wondering if you know if he plans on a 2nd or 3rd volume of a series that starts with Embattled Arkansas. At the end of EA, he promises more to come.


Re: For Clark: Banasik's Ark books

He was planning a book on the Army of the Frontier, but I don't know the status of it.


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Replying to:

Hi Clark,

You publish some of the books that Banasik has edited and I was wondering if you know if he plans on a 2nd or 3rd volume of a series that starts with Embattled Arkansas. At the end of EA, he promises more to come.


that would be interesting. thanks [nt]

Heard from author


Mr. Banasik wrote a brief message that the research was almost complete on his vol. 2 (it will cover the Ark Valley in 1863) but the actual writing hasn't begun. Looks like some years away but I'm looking forward to it.


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Replying to:

He was planning a book on the Army of the Frontier, but I don't know the status of it.


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Replying to:

Hi Clark,

You publish some of the books that Banasik has edited and I was wondering if you know if he plans on a 2nd or 3rd volume of a series that starts with Embattled Arkansas. At the end of EA, he promises more to come.
