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Camp Pope Bookshop

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Camp Pope Bookshop
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Re: Re: Proposal for Clark -- and everyone else

Well, I've put a Book Review page together already. Drew has been so kind as to send me three reviews to get things started. You can read them and find out how you can send reviews of your own by going to

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Replying to:

I always appreciate advice on how to improve my website (and sell more books!). I've wondered if maybe providing thumbnail images of the books might not help, but of course reviews would be better yet. Please do send me short reviews of any of the books I sell and I will get a review page up immediately. I'll put links to the appropriate spot on the review page next to the description of the book on the catalog page. Keep the reviews as short as possible. The final decision as to whether a review is posted or not would be mine, as some reviews may not be suitable. I would be willing to give reviewers a credit at CPB of say $5.00 for each review I use. I'll spell this all out later when the page is actually up. Thanks for the idea!

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Replying to:

Hi Clark,

Like perhaps many customers I love getting the catalog and looking at all the interesting titles. The problem is that is the limit of the information. Most of the books are so obscure (to the general CW audience) that you'll never see them reviewed in any of the CW magazines and don't get into Amazon or the like so you can't find reviews there. What I would like to see is for you to have a customer review page on your website. I would be more than happy to provide short reviews for all the books I've purchased here and would hope others would be willing---otherwise it wouldn't work. They would be brief and would provide info on map quality, level of combat detail, accuracy, what's covered... I know we can buy them and return them but with shipping both ways and the books being paperback ($10-15 range) you might as well just keep it. Of course, you would have to include the negative as well as the positive reviews. This may be too much work for you but I know I would buy many more books from you if I could get an inkling about what's in 'em. thanks.