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Titan Inflatables Manufacturer

Does anyone know who manufactures Titan Inflatables. NOT Titan Boats. They are marketed by the Barrett Marketing Group in Canada. They are made in China. I would like to know if this is a quality product.

Re: Titan Inflatables Manufacturer

I think I ran accross that brand-name on E-Bay. I was in the market for a boat a few months ago. From what I can remember, the Titan, Baltic, and Saturn were all the same boat. You can verify this by going to I ended up purchasing the Baltic, and I know the Saturn boats at the above listed websight were the same make. Check out the websight to see if it looks the same. If it is, you can find out there who made it. Also, if it is that boat, it was made in Korea not China. Good luck to you. Email me if I can be of further assistance.