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Help with older Zodiac floorboards?

Have a 1990 S138 12.4' Zodiac.

Can anyone post instructions, or point me to documentation on putting in the floorboards?

Silver side up with 1x1 crossbar showing? Which surface of the aluminum sides slats is the bottom? Start from the bow? Half inflated or mostly deflated? Etc.


Re: Help with older Zodiac floorboards?

Do you still need help? I can fax you a copy of the install instructions...

Basically, you begin with the boat as deflated as possible. Then, beginning at the stern, place the floor element into the boat, butting it up against the transom. Make sure the the element indexes with the bar running parallel on the transom.

Then move to the bow and fit the front element. It will be triangular and may have a hole or notch cut in it. After that, you work from fore to aft, fitting the elements in so that in the end you have all the elements fitted, but the center is poking as such: __/__

That's when you stand on the "tepe", being careful that the floor fabric (or anything) else isn't snagged, and then grab the ropes or whatever you have and jump!

A tip on inserting the stringers (the aluminum or wooden bars that run parallel with the tubeset on the edge of the floor elements): once the floor is installed, lift one side of the boat and place one stringer under it (as in on the ground) so that the side of the boat is lifted off the ground slightly. Install the other stringer. Remove the stringer from under the boat and install. This tip will make fitting the first stringer so much easier.

Re: Re: Help with older Zodiac floorboards?

I have a Zodiac S.131 with 4 broken plastic joiners for the floor - the flooring is 3/8" plywood and the plastic joiners are 25" length and 1" wide. Any ideas where I can find new plastic joiners?