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Anchor pulley/roller for Apex Inflatable

I have a 19' Apex RIB and I would really like to get an anchor pulley/bow roller for it, to protect the tubes from rope damage and to make it easier to pull up the anchor. I have so far struck out on finding one, but I have seen a picture of one on an Apex very similar to mine on the cover of dive training magazine. Does anyone know where I can purchase one?



Re: Anchor pulley/roller for Apex Inflatable

There is an Apex dealer in Portland, Or. called Northwest Inflatables. Or, the main distributor:

Apex Inflatables
919A Bay Ridge Rd Annapolis,
Maryland, 21403, USA
Tel. 410-267-0850 / 800-422-5977
Fax 410-267-8020

If you still have trouble, email me. I have something that might work for you.