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finding leaks

I just got a 1994 15 jet by nautica. My questions are. How much air preasure should be kept in it while in use and should I lower the preasure when not in use. It lives in a garage. second it hold air for about a day and slowly leaks down. What is the best way to find the leaks? and repair them. It has the Merc. 90 HP sport jet engine. Is there anything else I need to keep an eye on.

Re: finding leaks

Dude, If you are losing air pressure try
these to steps. 1st--make sure your air
valves are on tight. Most boats come with
a tool to tighten the air valve. 2nd--while
the boat is inflated, spray soapy water on
the entire boat-look for any bubbles to pinpoint
your leak. Make sure you outline the leak
with a pen so when you deflate it youy know
where to place the patch..Eddie