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length of boat & size of outboard

I have an 2006 11 foot Saturn (SD330). Love it. Got it in March of 2006 and used it 4-5 times weekly.

I put a 3.5 hp Tohatsu 2 stroke engine on it. I put that size engine on it for multiple reasons. First, I don't want to run races in the boat....I use my big boat to go fast and long distances. I can put the 3.5 in a "formed" space under my aft seating area of the big boat specifically built for that size engine. I can put the engine on or off the boat using one hand (it weighs 23 pounds). But most of all....I can go forever on a gallon of gas.

Having said all that, it would be nice to go just a bit faster sometimes in open water.

Re: length of boat & size of outboard

I have a 4.2m zodiac futura fitted with a 25 hp marina 2stroke fitted with hydroplanes top speed of 26mph on still water, gets on plane about 8mph

Re: length of boat & size of outboard

I have a 11ft 97 Mercury Quicksilver with a 15hp 2stk. Mercury motor of the same vintage. I love it and use it about 3 times a week in the Rivers, Lakes, Delta & San Franciso Bay surounding where I live. I also have a Hydrofoil install and I stand by the preformace of this part as it is the best upgrade you can make on a inflatable. It planes almost instantly (about 1/4 trottle 5-6 knots), with a top speed of about 24mph and remain on plane at slow speeds and get better fuel mileage. I'm planning in the future to get a 4stk. and at that time I will upgrade to a 20-25hp for a little more top speed and to help out with the weight of my 3 dogs(85+lbs. each) that sometimes join my wife and I.
