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Re: year and material used

Real Zodiacs are made from a material called Hypalon which is a very strong material and is much stronger than PVC. A West Marine Zodiac is usually PVC. Hypalon feels kinda rubbery to the touch and PVC is kind of shiny and if you run your hand over it, it feels slippery like vynil.
I am not sure how to tell what year it was made. I am trying to find out the same information for my model 2259 right now. I think there is a way to find out by the serial number but how, I dont know. Let me know if you find out will ya?

Re: year and material used

Zodiacs are also made of PVC, so that would not be a discerning feature.

Is there a serial number? that might help in determining the year.

I´m not familiar with the ZEB denomination, but I´m not an expert on the subject. I would imagine that your boat should have an id plate with model, serial number, capacity, etc.
