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Caribe repair

Ihave a Caribe C10 in excellent condition--except that a very bad repair was made close to the rub-rail--
I beleive that this requires an inner and outer patch--can anyone explain to me how the inner patch is done???

Re: Caribe repair

first off - does it leak? if not leave it alone

if it does

pull off the old patch and clean all the old glue off. if the hole is big enough to put you hand in comfortably, then it needs an internal patch.

patching hypalon
first sand the area you wish to patch, you need to get rid of the shiny look to the material. clean with a degreaser - thinners, acetone, tolulene. put on some washing up gloves. now smare the glue on, make sure its smooth with no lumps, and wait for it to dry. smare some more glue on, incase you missed a spot, and wait for that to dry. your also doing this to the patch. now put the patch through the hole, trying not to touch glued surfaces to each other.

now work slowly putting the patch on, theres no easy way, but if you hold your tongue in the right place it works better. once your happy with the alignment, working from one end add a bit of heat either from a hot air gun or your missus hairdryer press the material hard against something flat with a wooden spatula.

you put the outside patch on the same way but its easier to align. if your in no hurry, wait till the next day to inflate the pontoon, then check for leaks.