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Aquastar/ warranty help

does anyone know how to get Aquastar or Allinflatables to respond to phone calls or emails for customer service??? we bought an Aquastar JS310 in 2006 that was supposed to have a 5 year warranty on the material. within less than 1 year the entire surface was sticky (even though we kept it out of the elements and covered). We are in a black hole because neither of their sites list an address to reach them by mail, and neither respond to emails or phone what good does their Warranty claims mean if we cannot reach them.. any help or advice out there? we are reporting them to BoatUS and Sail magazine..It has been a year since we have been sending emails and phone calls to them both, no avail. Aquastars phone number is now "out of service". help!!

Re: Aquastar/ warranty help

Before recently purchasing my inflatable (Sea Eagle 12.6SR ), I have researched many manufacturers and read up on many reviews including posts on this site. Sorry to say, but I gave up on considering Aquastar when I had tried to contact them via email. After sending them my question, I found that may request was routed directly back to my email account. Sea Eagle on the other hand responded to many of my questions ( some directly from the companies president ) and have been around for 40 years. Although more pricey than Aquastar, it is times like this where it is worth paying the extra cost.