Labrador Forum
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Welcome to our forum! I want this forum to be a channel to exchange ideas that will be productive and helpful to us in taking care of our dogs. I will permit any ideas as long as it doesn't violate the bounds of decency and fair play. Even contrasting ideas will be tolerated. Needless to say, we are not responsible for wny ideas except those that are coming from me.

Enjoy posting!

Re: Welcome

cool~ a kennel website with its own forum. that's something new. (a proboards [] free forum would be better and more organized though hehehe...)

Re: Welcome

Thank you Karizma! I see that you design webpages. Excellent designs! I am not very handy with web designs. What software do you use to design them...?

Re: Re: Welcome

oh shucks, thanks hehe.. but mano-mano lng yan. the basics hehe.. you have a pretty good site! and dogs too!