I returned to this thread. And thinking about what You said about the plastic covers. I had a couple of unfortunate moments in the last couple weeks. My briefs leaked after a accident and I got urine & stool. On the shorts I was wearing and the seat of My wheelchair. The thing is whenever this has happened. Either My husband or career just cleaned Me up and changed Me without any disscusion. I know They just didn't want to embarrassing Me or them further. The additude last few years is to just handle it. I have been looking at various plastic pants they sell on HDIS. I'm just not sure what to say or how to handle the discussion. To tell My husband or career to order them to help with containing My accidents ? Here is the links to what HDIS sells. Is this what You are talking about ? https://www.hdis.com/rubber-pant also this https://www.hdis.com/vinyl-pants
Those examples were what I was talking about but with you being in a wheelchair I would try finding something that you can open up when you need to be changed. As for how to talk about it, mention that your briefs have been leaking lately and to protect the seat of your wheelchair bedding, and clothing you feel that it would be best to look into plastic or rubber pants. Another thing I recommend is making sure your brief has leg guards as I have found most of my leaks happen around that area.
I have been quite busy myself with doctors appointments as I have been dealing with upward of 4 large bowel movements a day with stomach pain and bloating. As for the plastic pants they are only really useful if you are having leakage so you might not need them, I only have mine because I sometimes use cloth diapers to cut down on cost and when I need extra protection as I can wear extra layers during those times. It is kind of gross when I poop in them but my insurance has at times not covered enough to get me through the month.
Thank You Sam. Sorry I didnt respond MS brain I guess. I forget stuff. My career ordered the plastic pants 3 I think from HDIS this morning. They are the pull on kind. If I wear overnight briefs with a booster or two briefs one large & one extra large. I don't often have a leak of Urine or stool. But it has happend usually when I'm in a sitting position. I'm feeling better lately and want to get out a little more often. I would be mortified if I was out in public and had a messy leak. Its happened in the past and it was horrific. I just want to wear what I can to minumize the risk. I hate incontinence and what MS has done to My body.
I am learning about the pains of living with MS myself. I have also had many messy accidents that leaked away from home, I am always afraid of messing myself because of the smell and when the diaper brief leaks when I am out in public it makes me want to isolate myself because of the embarrassment I feel. With pull on plastic pants it might make changing a little difficult if stool leaks out but changing on a chux will help. If this become a regular problem you may have to change the briefs you use. I have had to do that 3 times but often they offer samples instead of having to buy whole packs. Right now I am using the Megamax adult diapers briefs from Northshore and they work really well for me because of the wider absorbent area and the plastic landing strip makes changing easy. They are a little expensive but I need to do my laundry at a laundry mat so containment of stool is really important for me.
We use the briefs and pads that our insurance covers through HDIS or the local home healthcare & medical supply company We use. Its mostly the Tranquility products for incontinence. There has been others but I'm not sure what brands. In the mornings usually if I don't have to get out of bed. I can sit for periods of time in bed. But for incontinence I just lay on a pad. Its better for My skin to breath. I'm trying to avoid rashes and pressure sores. But I do have to wear the adult diaper briefs in my wheelchair. Its under My dress or skirt so nobody but My carer or family knows usually. But I've had some bad accidents and leaks. So I have to sit on the bed pad. Which is embarrassing. I'm hoping the plastic pants eliminate the need for that.
I am sorry I have not been on lately as I have a lot of doctors appointments. I think I might try laying on my bed without a brief on now we are moving into the summer time because rashes are horrible. I have some reusable chux that I use at night so I am a little nervous about having a bowel accident during the day. I could try finding a cloth backed diaper/brief to allow my skin to breath after I have a bowel movement. I don't think I would be able to use them all the time because of the volume of urine and poop released in an accident and the odor of my accidents.
I'm quadriplegic so I spend a lot of time in bed. Just laying on a overnight bed pad works fine most days. I only need the adult diaper briefs when I'm in My wheelchair. With complete loss of bladder and bowel control. Cloth backed briefs. Just don't really work. I was in a long term care center for about 6 months. They used cheap cloth backed briefs and even the better cloth backed over night briefs. As well as bed pads. Too many times I lost My bowel in My chair or bed. And thank goodness for the bed pad. Because the briefs did not do their job.